Breaking Barries
Project “Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally”
Our great project has finished. We are happy to sum up that a lot of students and teachers studied and worked together in order to create a set of activities which are going to be interesting and useful during the classes at any upper-secondary school.You are welcome to look through our ebook with activities. Feel free to use them in your classes.15.02.2023
Project “Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally”
Student mobility in Lithuania within project “Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally”During 18-24 September, 2022 the students of Narva Language Lyceum took part in the project mobility in a Lithuanian vocational school, in the city of Klaipeda (Klaipedos turizmo mokykla).Teams from Turkey, Estonia, Slovenia, Portugal and Lithuania were testing the activities which had been created by teachers and students and developed their critical thinking and active citizenship. The activities included discussions, presentations, functional reading, workshops and many other ways of interaction with the project topic. The students participated eagerly in all the activities with pleasure.
Here is the feedback of our students:“I am very glad that I had the opportunity to take part in this project. During this week, I gained a lot of experience in communicating in English, found new wonderful friends and visited many interesting places in Klaipeda and Vilnius. Most of all I liked to communicate with other project participants, to learn about the traditions of different countries. It was also interesting to get acquainted with Turkish, Slovenian and Portuguese. The program is very educational! It was very sad to say goodbye to the guys on the last day, but I will never forget this wonderful week, as it left a vivid mark on my memory”.“We spent a wonderful week in Lithuania because we took part in a very interesting project.This week we met many people of different nationalities: Lithuanian, Turkish, Portuguese and Slovenian. We went on trips with them, such as Vilnius, the Dolphinarium and the Oceanarium, took part in various tasks, such as team building, went for walks and played bowling. We exchanged contacts, made friends and sometimes text each other. Also, communicating with them, we improved our knowledge of the English language.I really liked this trip, as it was not only interesting, but also useful.”“I am very grateful to have a great opportunity to participate in this amazing project. During the week in Lithuania we spent a lot of time practicing our English and we all also got to know many wonderful people. I am still texting most of my new acquaintances sometimes. This trip was not only interesting and funny, but also educational as we learned a lot of interesting things about other country cultures.”“It was my pleasure to be a part of such a great project. During the project, I made new friends with whom I still keep in touch, learned a lot about the culture of other countries, constantly communicated and had fun with foreigners. This trip opened up a lot of new things for me, I improved my English level, made new friends and broadened my horizons, this trip will forever remain in my memory”.30.09.2022
Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally.
Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally. Mobility in Portugal 22-28 May, 2022.The third mobility of the project took place in Maia, Portugal, where students and teachers from Portugal, Estonia, Turkey, Slovenia and Lithuania created and tested new activities which develop critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally. The week was full of challenging tasks like discussing statements and giving presentations about war and violence, sustainable development, democracy and freedom, interculturality. The students also had a session on fake news where they exchanged the news from their countries and analysed how to define if the news is fake or true. Sightseeing was another important part of the mobility which taught the young generation to value historical heritage of the countries and nations.These days the project partners are creating a digital book which will reflect all the events of the mobility.10.06.2022We would like to thank the host school Agrupamento de Escolas do Castêlo da Maia, all the participants of the project for this precious opportunity and experience.
Entreprenership programme for upper-secondary students "ESTRUS-preneurs"
01.02.202201.11.2019 - 31.12.2021Total budget: 55 000 EUR (Programme co-financing: 49 500 EUR)Narva Language Lyceum - 30 000 EUR (Programme co-financing: 27 000 EUR)Petrovski College - 25 000 EUR (Programme co-financing: 22 500 EUR)In the frames of the project 7 students' cross-border mini-companies worked together and developed their products and services. It is a continuation of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “EU-preneurs”. The present initiative is built on the previous project results, achievements and lessons learnt.There are two partner institutions involved in the project: Narva Language Lyceum (Estonia) and Petrovski College (St.Petersburg, Russia). They are both public educational establishments, active in international cooperation and implementation of innovative practices. In the present project we test, improve and disseminate the model of international mini-companies, which was developed in EU-preneurs project.The project main activities were testing the model of students' cross-border mini-companies and establishing 7 students' cross-border mini-companies. Each company involved 2 participants from each partner school (4 members altogether). The companies met for the first learning session in Narva, but most of their work was done virtually or in a hybrid way. Apart from developing their businesses and learning entrepreneurship the students developed their intercultural communication and distance cooperation skills.The business ideas were:1. restoration of old furniture;
2. capsule hostel;
3. application for encouraging people to sort garbash;
4. clothes from plastic;
5. application for beginning photographers;
6. application for parents to select possible leisure activities for their children;
7. interactive tablepads for schools.
The students' virtual meetings took place in skype, whatsapp, dicourt. The teachers' meetings, their consultations for students and work with experts were organised in ZOOM.The main results are increase of students' interest in entrepreneurship and their better ability to apply their knowledge to real-life situations and being equipped for full participation in society.The project outputs are an effective model of students' cross-border mini-companies, recommendations for teachers to develop students' entrepreneurship by means of cross-border mini-companies, international learning programmes for the students' mini-companies.The outputs can be used by other schools for promoting development of students' cross-border companies.Implementation timeline:November 2019 - Working in the local teams, preparation of the methodological work with studentsThe first meeting of the project team in St.Petersburg 01.-03.12.2019The first students' learning programme in Estonia 26.01. -01.02.2020Students' virtual work in 7 mini-companies, involvement of external experts for the students' mini-companies, the teachers' methodological work. February 2020 - October 2021Hybrid learning programme in Tallinn 04.-06.10.2021. Estonian students worked with the expert offline and Russian students were connected via Zoom. The main topic was dedicated to financial forecasts and financial-economical basis of the business plans.Consultations for each mini-company between the sessions. October-November 2021.Hybrid learning programme in Villa Küla, Estonia 01.-03.12.2021. Estonian students worked with the expert offline and Russian students were connected via Zoom. The topics were connected with commercials, advertising the service/product, smm, making media products.Hybrid learning programme in St.Petersburg, 07.-09.12.2021. Russian students worked with the experts offline and Estonian students were connected via Zoom. The topics were making business presentations, working with investors, selling your service/product.Dissemination seminar with 101 participants in St.Petersburg, 20.12.2021. The seminar was also organised in a hybrid way. The project learders and students presented the project results to representatives of educational institutions.The final project meeting in Narva and Tallinn, Estonia, 21.-23.12.2021. The teachers working in the project finalised the project materials and recommendations for the teachers.Project output:Recommendations for teachers in Russian - for teachers in English - information: Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to foster crossborder cooperation across the borders between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development in the regions on both sides of the common borders. The Programme web-site is
Project «Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally»
Student mobility in Turkey within project «Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally»During 9-16 January, 2022 the students of Narva Language Lyceum took part in the project mobility in Turkish School, in the city of Tarsus (Tarsus Borsa Istanbul Sehit Umut Sami Sensoy Anadolu Lisesi).Teams from Turkey, Estonia, Slovenia and Lithuania were critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally while testing the activities which had been created by teachers and students.It is remarkable that the participants of the project had a unique chance to see the life of local people, living in host families. Here is the feedback of our students:* A trip to Turkey left many unforgettable memories after visiting interesting places, fascinating museums. I met very friendly and helpful people.* Our trip was amazing! At the beginning, I was upset that we would not live in a hotel, but in a family with Turkish students. As it turned out that the guys and their parents are very friendly and welcoming!!!A week later, we all became one big family, and when it was time to leave, parting was very difficult for us, but I am glad to get such an experience and make new friends!* Our trip to Turkey was a new experience for me. At first, I thought that nothing special will happen there, but it wasn’t as I expected it. Living inside the family I could see and experience Turkish lifestyle that is very different from ours. All participants were welcoming and friendly. I didn’t only learn something new about the topic of our project, but also made a lot of friends that I’m planning to keep in touch with in the future.* On the trip, I really liked nature, for me it was very unusual: palm trees, mountains and warm weather in winter. Also, people in Turkey are amazing, they are very friendly and sociable, they can, after a couple of minutes of communication, treat you like a family member.26.01.2022
Project «Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally»
2020 – 2022From 26 September to 2 October the students of Narva Language Lyceum visited their partners in Slovenia, Upper-Secondary School in Brežice. There were all the participants of the project (Slovenia, Turkey, Estonia, Lithuania and Portugal). During the mobility the students and teachers created activities and exchanged best practices in encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally in various school subjects. The outcome of the mobility can be seen below. These are electronic books created by the students and teachers and a video which shows the activities held in Slovenia.The participants not only achieved the results of the meeting, they also made new friends and felt really sad when they were leaving for home.Here is the project video.18.10.2021
Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally
Erasmus+ strategic partnership2020 - 2022The project "Encouraging critical thinking and active citizenship locally and globally" is initiated by Narva Keeltelütseum (Estonia), Tarsus Borsa Istanbul Sehit Umut Sami Sensoy Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey), Klaipedos turizmo mokykla (Lithuania), Agrupamento de Escolas do Castêlo da Maia (Portugal) and Gimnazija Brezice (Slovenia).Critical thinking and active citizenship are the essential competences for young people if we want them to take care of our society in the future, be responsible adults and contribute to development, prosperity and peaceful cooperation of our countries.The project objectives:1. To exchange best practices in the field of developing students' critical thinking and active citizenship and to make a toolbox of possible methods and ways, so that other teachers and schools could use them with their students.2. To arrange 1 short-term staff training event for teachers in the beginning of the project (10 teachers altogether) in order to collect the toolbox, plan students' virtual cooperation in eTwinning, learn from each other and external experts.3. To organise 4 students' exchanges in the partner countries for developing their critical thinking and active citizenship globally (80 students in total). During four mobilities different methods and tools will be used. Evaluation after each exchange will help us improve every following programme and make it more effective.4. To improve school teachers' competences in international cooperation and allow our schools to develop as learning organisations (at least 20 teachers will be involved in the project activities).We have two groups of participants in the project:1. Teachers of participating schools. There will be always two teachers in international activities (they can change) and supportive teams locally, who are responsible for implementation of toolbox, testing the methods, dissemination on the local level. The teachers work on exchanging best practices, coordinating students' cooperation in eTwinning, and collecting a toolbox.2. Students of participating schools. Four students per country will take part in each exchange (different students each time). The age is 15-18 years old.We believe that after the project our participants will be more critical, open minded, tolerant and active, they will be able to make positive impact on the parents and peers and also on the society in general.We will use the project results for integrating the activities and tasks for development of students' critical thinking and active citizenship in the school daily routine.06.10.2020
Narva Language Lyceum is an exciting school" (Erasmus+ KA1)
The project "Narva Language Lyceum is an exciting school" was prepared in order to support implementation of "Exciting School" initiative, working out a new development programme of the school, improvement of teachers' competences, modernisation of the school activities and application of a new teaching-learning approach. The project participants were 7 teachers of physics, geography, English and a social pedagogue, who took part in on-site structured courses in different European countries. The project main aspects were supportive learning environments, new technologies, teachers' development and modern ways of learning. The courses were: "Integration and Multiculturality", "A Satisfying School, positive environments and new technologies", "Digital classrooms (making educational flash animations for classroom use)", "Peer Coaching as a Sustainable Source of Professional Development", "Encouraging creative thinking", "Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: new Methodologies, Effective Motivation, Cooperation and Evaluation Strategies" (with the focus on innovative and effective methods and tools for Project and Competence Based Learning) and "Innovative Teacher – Motivated Student: Collaborative Problem Solving". The programmes took place in Spain, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Portugal and Turkey during the school holidays. All the participants reflected their learning at a website and they provided a training for other school teachers in order to implement the changes in a system way. The project participants received a valuable experience, which influenced their life and work. Their professional and key competences as well as decision-making skills, openness to innovations and changes were improved.The project influenced also the students, because thanks to the teachers' new knowledge and improvements in the school work it became much more interesting and safer to be in the school.For the school this project was a big step and contribution to working out a new development plan and corresponding to the principles of "Exciting school". It also gave us more capacity for working at European/international level (better management skills and strategy for international activities, stronger cooperation with foreign partners, more qualitative preparation and realisation of projects).Meet the participants and learn more about the project here: https://nklteachers.pb.online29.10.2019
Video 1. Oceans—facts and information
Video 2. 10 amazing facts about the ocean
The “Belaya Ladya” international chess tournament among school teams
Russian Chess Federation would like to thank you for participation in the “Belaya Ladya” international chess tournament among school teams!This first-class tournament, held on the Black Sea Coast of Russia, performs a noble mission of promoting chess and search of new young talents.The “Belaya Ladya” unites participants from different countries. We hope to see your school team among the participants in the tournament of 2019!We wish you joy and happiness as well as new victories and the brightest impressions from this sports fest and your stay on the Black Sea Coast of Russia.Sincerely yours,Organizing Committee18.06.2018
Changemakers Academy
Changemakers Academy is a national scale youth project for the people of 15-19 years old that is aimed at developing and popularising social entrepreneurship in Estonia. Participants get a chance to improve their skills and extend their knowledge in marketing and business, as well as meet entrepreneurs and get invaluable real life experience.This year’s competition has already begun, with 12 teams fighting for the title of the most entrepreneurial youngsters out there, as well as this year’s main prize - a trip to the UK. Each team was assigned a real life business case that they have to solve. The task is to find a solution to a problem, which may be the lack of customers, insufficient labor supply or any other issue that a business might face. The participants are judged on how innovative and creative their proposals are.If you think you might be the next year’s winner or if you are simply interested to learn more, you can find out more about the project on the website:
Internship experience review
Dear Ms. Tšerkašina,My name is Vladyslav Bilan. I am an exchange student from Narva college of University of Tartu.During last three weeks, I had an opportunity to increase my teaching skills and develop myself professionally in Narva Keeltelütseum.By this E-mail, I would like to express my gratitude for the possibilities provided by the school. The teacher's staff I had an honor to get acquainted and work with, proved to be very professional and highly-skilled. The children inspired me by their dedication and motivation.Once again thank you for everything!Best regards,Vladyslav Bilan10.05.2017
Located in the north-east of Estonia Narva Keeltelütseum provides both basic and upper secondary education. We are the biggest school in the county of Ida-Virumaa with more than 950 students.
Our main aim is to provide high quality education which will help our students be competitive and successful in further studies and work.
Our values: we are trustworthy, open to cooperation, creative and rational.
We have 80 professional teachers, who use modern technologies and approaches in their work.
In 2007 we became a member of early language immersion programme. In 2011 we joined A.C.E. programme for intensive learning of English.
The school pays a lot of attention to sports, healthy life style and extra-curricular activities.
Our areas of priorities are humanities, ICT and environmental studies.
We have become a cooperation centre at local, national and international levels organising numerous projects and initiatives together with other schools, universities, cultural establishments, local authorities, non-governmental institutions and other social partners.
Our achievements in the sphere of environmental awareness:
1. Participation in world-wide GLOBE programme. The latest conference took part in September 2013 in our school. There were more than 100 participants from all over Estonia.
2. Organisation of local projects “Summer environmental camp”, “Observations of changes in Estonian nature”, “Environmental awareness as a style of life”, etc.
3. Students’ research works “Influence of oil shale used at Baltic and Estonian Power Stations on Narva air”, “Harmful substances in cosmetology”, “Examination of extent of absorption of ultraviolet radiation by transparent bodies”, „Studying the aspects of energy efficiency in various light sources“, etc.
4. Participation in local, national and international competitions in natural studies.
5. Annual organisation of energy saving weeks at school.
6. The school principal is a board member of Estonian Nature Protection Association, head of Narva department (
Our achievements in the sphere of ICT:
1. The first place in robotics competitions, 22.03.2011 The award for the best project (Eesti FLL „First LegoLeague”, topic: «Food Factor»), November 2011 The award for the best project (Eesti FLL „First LegoLeague”, topic: «Senior Solution»), semifinal, November 2012 The award for the best design of robot (Eesti FLL „First LegoLeague”, topic: «Senior Solution»), March 2013 The award for the best design of robot (Eesti FLL „First LegoLeague”, topic: «Natura Fury») During four years we have been one of four pilot schools of Estonia in the project “Technological days with Robot Miku” We took part in finals of Robotex 2012, Robotex 2013, RoboMiku 2012, RoboMiku 2014 competitions
8. We took part in finals of national IT quiz Kobras 2011, Kobras 2012, Kobras 2013
Our achievements in the sphere of humanities:
1. Participation in local, national and international competitions in English, Estonian and Russian languages, Arts and History.
2. Participation in Russian language world-wide project “Total dictation”.
3. Successful participation in Bilingual Olympiad organised by International School of Tomorrow.
4. Our teachers of humanities have achieved recognition at the local, national and international level.
5. Participation in the programme of early language immersion and A.C.E. programme for intensive learning of English.
6. Participation in projects of pupils’ exchanges with Estonian Sõmerpalu secondary school.
We are open to international cooperation in projects and initiatives which will support our students and teachers in their development and will be connected with our priority areas.
Address: Kangelaste, 32, Narva, Eesti, 20608 Registration code: 75008640 License: nr 2708HTM Info telephone: (+372) 3570749 e-mail: Website
Nadežda Tšerkašina tel: (+372) 3570750 e-mail: